Formerly 010j

The reliable choice for the private homes

Bonded screed for floor coverings

  • 5-15mm application thickness suitable for creating bonded screeds.
  • 1,2mm grain size: For fine levelling of a smooth surface, suitable for floor coverings e.g. tiles, parquets, etc.
  • For light loaded floors in family houses.

Area of application

  • Indoor: floor

Processing method

  • For hand and machine processing
  • Creation of combined (connected) screeds intended for laying spreadable floor coverings, e.g. tiles, parquets, floating floors; under thin-layer floor coverings (PVC, marmoleum, carpets, etc.) it is necessary to level the surface with a suitable self-levelling screed of Cemix.

Price list






25 kg

Processing details

Learn more about technical details for processing this product.

Substrate requirement

The substrate must comply with the applicable standards, must be solid, free of loose particles, free of dust, paint, residues of demoulding substances and efflorescence. It must be sufficiently rough, dry and evenly absorbent. The surface shall not be frozen or water-repellent. The substrate must be stable in volume.

Substrate preparation

Before applying the screed to the old concrete, the substrate must be moistened and treated with contact bridge Cemix 1500, just before applying the screed. It is necessary to respect the working or structural joints and to create perimeter dilatations of vertical building elements (walls, pillars, pipes, etc.). The substrate must comply with the applicable regulations, standards or recommendations of the material manufacturer.

Preparation of the mixture

Prepare the material by pouring the dry mixture into the prescribed amount of water and mixing it. Use potable water or water complying with EN 1008 to mix the mixture. Mix using a slow speed propeller mixer. Mix to a homogeneous, lump-free mixture and leave to rest. Then mix again briefly. Use suitable machinery when processing by machine.

Water demand

Quantity Liters (Min) Liters (Max)
25 kg 3 L 3.5 L
1 kg 0.12 L 0.14 L


CEMIX_blue_handling_swirl_5min800x CEMIX_blue_handling_rest_3min
Mixing time
5 min
Mixing speed in Rpm
Ripe time
3 min

Processing instructions

Spread the mass on the prepared substrate and compact it, e.g. with the strokes of a trowel. Then flatten the surface with aluminium H profile lat and smooth it with a plastic or steel trowel. An advantage is the possibility of pulling down with a vibrating lat.

Application thickness

Minimum layer thickness 5 mm
Recommended layer thickness 10 mm
Maximum layer thickness 15 mm


Material consumption min.
Material consumption max.
Material consumption in measuring unit


Material consumption at unit Yield
25 kg 10 MM 1.28 m²
1,000 kg 10 MM 51.28 m²

Working time (potlife)


60 min

Walkability after


24 h

Treatment after application

Avoid the negative effects of sun, heat, humidity and draughts. Protect from frost and rain. Direct heating of the surface is prohibited. Keep the screed in a moist condition for 2-3 days.

Tool and cleaning instructions

Wash off tools with water immediately after finishing work. Clean dried residues mechanically.

Technical parameters

Main binder Grey cement
Flammability class A1fl
Max. grain size 1,2mm
Full load after 28 d
Compressive strength 28 days in N/mm² 20 N/mm²
Flexural strength 28 days in N/mm² 4 N/mm²
Thermal conductivity λ in W/(m.K) 1.3
Dry bulk density in Kg/m³ 1950
Dry bulk density in Kg/m³ to 2250
Release of corrosive substances CT


Technical datasheet
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