High quality limestone and calcined products are used in many industrial and construction sectors.
The most important sector is the production of building materials (bricks, plaster, mortar, concrete mixes and asphalt mixes).
The stabilisation and treatment of soils in road construction is a chapter in itself.
Our products are used by power and heating plants to protect the air in the production of electricity and heat.
They are an essential raw material in the production of steel and non-ferrous metals such as lithium, aluminium or manganese.
They can be found in the manufacture of glass, refractory products or in the production of calcium carbide, which is used to make acetylene.
Even paper production would be impossible without our products.
In agriculture, our products also help to increase crop yields.
And last but not least, water treatment and purification. Not just drinking water for the public, but also polluted water from industrial processes.