Aggregates 4-30
Limestone lump graded 4-30 mm

Limestone lumps of 4-30 mm are produced by quarrying followed by crushing and sorting to the required fraction.

Area Of Use

We supply limestone in 4-30 mm chunks as a product of desulphurisation in power generation. The lump limestone is further processed at the power station for final use in combustion processes.


ČSN 72 1210, ČSN 72 1217

Technical parameters

ISO 9001

Quality management systém is certificated according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016.

ISO 14001

Quality management systém is certificated according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016.

Chemical Properties

Limestone lump 4-30 unit ČSN 72 1217, class III achieved average parameters per year
CaCO3 + MgCO3 % 96,0 96,6
MgCO3 only % 2,0 0,96
SiO2 % 1,5 1,33
Al2O3 + Fe2O3 % 0,8 0,40
Fe2O3 only % 0,3 0,12
SO3 % 0,2 0,08