Aggregates 0-8
Limestone lump unsorted 0-8 mm

Unsorted lump limestone 0-8 mm is produced by quarrying and subsequent crushing and sorting to the required fraction.

Area Of Use

Due to its high purity, 0-8 mm limestone is particularly suitable for the metallurgical and chemical industries, ecology (neutralisation of acidic components), construction (preparation of asphalt mixtures) or road construction for compacting road base layers.


ČSN 72 1210, ČSN 72 1217

Technical parameters

ISO 9001

Quality management systém is certificated according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016.

ISO 14001

Quality management systém is certificated according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016.

Physical Properties

Limestone lump 0-8 properties
grain size GA85
shape of coarse aggregate - shape index S/40
volumetric mass 2,699 Mg/m3
fine particle content f9
fine quality - sand equivalent SE4 35
resistance to crushing - Los Angeles coefficient LA40
absorption WA24 2
acid-soluble sulphates AS0,2
total sulphur S1
freeze and thaw resistance F2

Chemical Properties

Limestone lump 0-8 unit ČSN 72 1217, class V achieved average parameters per year
CaCO3 + MgCO3 % 93,0 94,7
MgCO3 only % 6,0 1,10
SiO2 % 4,5 2,40
Al2O3 + Fe2O3 % 3,5 0,70
Fe2O3 only % 2,0 0,19
SO3 % 0,3 0,09