Formerly Vápenný hydrát CL 90-S

Traditional natural lime binder CL 90-S.

For producing ecological paint, plaster and mortar. For water treatment.

  • Naturally anti-fungal properties.
  • Diffusion open: Supports a healthy room climate.
  • White slaked lime with highest lime content.
  • Neutralizes waste water and acidic substances.

Area of application

  • Outdoor: floor + wall + ceiling
  • Indoor: floor + wall + ceiling
  • Suitable for monuments and historical buildings

Processing method

  • For hand processing
  • For producing of plaster and mortar mixtures.
  • For pure lime coatings.
  • Can be used for water treatment and neutralization of acidic substances.
  • For use in historically important buildings.
  • Material suitable for healthy living.

Price list




BSH H90 20 00 00VN


20 kg


Processing details

Learn more about technical details for processing this product.

Substrate requirement

If used as a paint:
The substrate must comply with the valid norms, must be solid, free of loose particles, free of dust, paints and blossom. It must be sufficiently rough, dry and evenly absorbent. The surface shall not be frozen or water-repellent.

Substrate preparation

If used as a paint:
Moisten the substrate. Keep it moist during application.

Preparation of the mixture

If used as a paint:
Mix the dry mixture with water in a 1:1 ratio using a slow-running propeller mixer. Mix to a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Use drink water or water complying with EN 1008.

If used in mortars and plasters:
Mix the lime hydrate with the prescribed amount of water in a drum mixer or using a slow speed propeller mixer. Mix to a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Use drink water or water complying with EN 1008. Subsequently add other binders, sand and water if required.

Water demand

Quantity Liters (Min) Liters (Max)
1 kg 0,44 l 1,10 l
20 kg 8,80 l 22,00 l


Mixing time
3 min
Mixing speed in Rpm

Processing instructions

If used as a paint:
Apply in 2 to 3 coats. The first coat will serve as a primer. Therefore you mast dilute this coating with 10% more water. Do the next coatings when the previous coating is sufficiently mature. Protect the applied material from rapid drying, direct sunlight, rain and frost.

If used in mortars and plasters:
Spread the mass on the prepared substrate with mason's trowel or with other tools. Protect the applied material from rapid drying, direct sunlight, rain and frost.

Treatment after application

Avoid sun, heat, humidity and draughts. Protect from frost and rain. Direct heating of the surface is not permitted. Keep the material damp for 2-3 days.

Tool and cleaning instructions

Wash tools with water immediately after finishing work. Clean dried residues mechanically.

Technical parameters

Main binder Lime hydrate
Made of material CaO; MgO; CO2; SO3


Technical datasheet
Safety Datasheet

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